Nov. 10, 2021

E135 The Power of Love with Caleb Kidd Coy | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, I talked with my friend, Caleb Kidd Coy, and we talked about the power of love, how heroes build and leave their legacy impact wills. Caleb Kidd Coy – after surviving his near-death experience, he realized he had been given a second...
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In this episode, I talked with my friend, Caleb Kidd Coy, and we talked about the power of love, how heroes build and leave their legacy impact wills. Caleb Kidd Coy – after surviving his near-death experience, he realized he had been given a second chance that he could use to serve others.

He chose to spend his life challenging, inspiring, encouraging, and empowering others to rise up, confront their fears, and gain victory over their adversities. He is also a legacy consultant; He had the privilege of helping people protect their legacy by steering clear of probate, securing their estate, growing their assets, and establishing the freedom of a financial future. It’s important to him that your core values, the things most precious to you, are also passed on so you can be remembered in the way you wanna be remembered!

So, let’s get into the show! Listen, because I'm telling you right now, there's a tremendous amount of value that Caleb will deliver for us today. Enjoy!

-Be Unbroken.

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Michael: Hey! What's up, Unbroken Nation! Hope that you're doing well, wherever you are in the world. Super excited here today to be with my friend, Caleb Kidd Coy. Caleb, what is going on, man? How are you today?

Caleb: I’m doing well, Michael. So honored to be here with you today, appreciate the invitation and thank you for this opportunity today.

Michael: Yeah, of course, man. I love your story. We connected a few months ago, a couple of months ago now and I love what you're trying to do in the world and your mission, your journey and you are a person who is a servant of the people and you've shown up in such a great way for yourself in the world, and I want to kind of dive into that today.

One of the things I think people kind of often get caught up in is being of service without first serving themselves. And I know that was a big part of your journey and as we dive in the conversation today, I want to talk to you about that a little bit but before we do that, tell everybody a little bit about your background who you are and what you have going on.

Caleb: You bet. Sounds good. Well, I come from a conservative home. Well, as a longtime preacher's kid. And, you know, while I can appreciate the values and some of the morals that were instilled into me in that environment. I also grew up in a home with strong poverty, mindsets and mentalities. And so, it took me about the equivalent of three and a half decades to begin to break out of those mindsets and get liberated to a place of abundance. And the great part is Michael that I had spent a lot a significant part of my life serving other people, and my near-death experience near overdose on meth at age 17 was extraordinary wake up call for me and it got me thinking about the importance of my legacy and you know, we've all been through some crap in our lives, and the question is, how do we address that? How do we turn that around into something positive? And so for, you know, every adversity in my life every challenge there was that recognition that there was an opportunity in that to learn and to grow from it. And so the resilience that is the backbone of who I am, I'm such a huge advocate of people being rooted in a strong foundation of character, you know, so much more than what we do is, who are you? You know, who are we really? How do treat our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity? And you know, what are we doing to serve them? And do, there's no doubt, man. I knew I was given a second chance. I knew the universe God, creator, whatever you want to call it, was looking out for me and I shouldn't by all rights be here today, and I think you can relate in so many ways.

And so, my journey took me a lot of different places over the years, but I basically gave my life to just start serving other people and that was everything from doing outreach on the streets of the inner city and feeding about 45 homeless and in Atlanta area for a number of years to speaking on college campuses and universities and eventually ended up life coaching in the entertainment industry through unexpected connection with Katy Perry's parents, with of all things and outreach that I was working with and Prescott, Arizona that helped men with addiction struggling with addictions and various things and so that opened up a number of doors for me to start life coaching in the entertainment industry.

And so my ambition growing up, Michael was to be a rock and roll star, and of course that abrupt confrontation with death at 17, kind of changed the overall trajectory. Music, still a huge part of my passion and who I am, I social media handle hashtag is metal preneur, so that goes without saying that, it continues to be a part of who I am and my DNA.

And so, you know, fast forward. I got a late start in my entrepreneurial journey. It was 2011 really before I started to get my feet wet with that and you know prior to that was reading a lot of books beginning to break that poverty mindset and that scarcity mentality through reading books. And you know, one of the first transformative books that had extraordinary impact on me was Napoleon's Hills – Think and Grow Rich. And you know to this day remains of the upper echelon of just the most impactful mindset books, that started to open me up to recognize, right? That there was so much more out there and that abundance was not only possible but that it was my duty if you will to have it so that I could serve better and granted, you Michael, you know, growing up in the religious background that I came from it was understood in a lot of ways that humility, you and I talked about this, right? Was to be broke busted then discussed it, and that meant you were a humble person. And, you know, if you were wealthy, if you had abundance you were just, somebody with an ego or selfish or things like that and you and I have come to realize that is not an accurate portrayal doesn't mean there's not selfish and greedy people out there. But the reality is there's a lot of good people doing a lot of good things and money's just a tool, what we use it for whether good or bad is ultimately a part of our character.

Michael: So, Yeah, a hundred percent. And man, you know, there's so many avenues we can dive down into and I think how paralleled our experiences in journeys are and how impactful that is to me. Growing up, the only thing I ever wanted to do was be like, Tommy Lee and Jay-Z, I only wanted to be a rock star and maybe to some extent, like I am, right? I think about that every day, like being on stage as being on stage is being on stage and that's powerful because it was really about the voice, is about sharing the message, is about tapping into something right and sharing that with the world, it's creating art and that's what I think about constantly. But in order to get to that place, I think a lot of times you have to go through the trials and tribulations of figuring out who you are. One of the questions when I'm coaching people that we step into kind of right off the bat as like, who are we? And a practical sense to go from this place of growing up in this religious home, to having a pastor as a father, to finding yourself at 17 od'ing on math to going, all right, I'm going to figure out who I am. How do you do that? Like, what was that process like for you to be able to step into ultimately creating who Caleb is today?

Caleb: It's a phenomenal question, Michael, and something I talk about often the introspection journey, right? The discovery of who am I really and I think that we as a society and a lot of different ways, a struggle with an ongoing, identity crisis and the reason that we have comparisons going on, in the reason that we look at other people and granted, you know, media and general, especially social media has magnified all of that. And we have to remind ourselves that is just a reflection of reality, right? We see bits, we see pieces, we see aspects of someone's life, but is not necessarily who they are within, it is not necessarily an accurate reflection of their character. And life coaching in the entertainment industry was something that allowed me to see that very clearly. There's a lot of people with bubo, uber gifts, and talents, and abilities out there, and they step on the stage and they can, wow, an audience and they create a multitude of fans. But who they are as a person is not necessarily an accurate of reflection of who they are in stage.

And I remember, you know, coaching some of these rock stars in the privacy of their homes and they were struggling individuals, they were people who didn't necessarily trust anyone else, they were hurting inside, they weren't necessarily kind to the people around them, but they had to maintain this aura of who they are and we see that so much in social media today, the mask wearing. So for me Michael it was, okay, I need to discover who Caleb Kidd Coy is. And in order to do that, I need to be vulnerable, I need to be authentic and I need to be transparent. Now, does not mean, you know, I'm constantly sharing all my junk and my issues and my struggles, you mentioned, trials and adversities and tribulations, I'm no to, I'm no stranger to it and that is probably much the reason I acquired the warrior DNA that I have today. The resilience the fortitude, the strength that allows me to constantly pour into other people, that's my passion dude. I just love encouraging other people, encouraging them to rise up and overcome their own, adversities and their struggles.

So, you know, we often find ourselves in the midst of those challenges and struggles, by, instead of wallowing in the muck and the mire, if you will the self-pity and how easy it is right? To get, so uber focused on our problems and our challenges that we forget, that there's a world out there that struggling and they are going through stuff that's far worse than we're having to deal with and so implementing gratitude, right? Everyday into my life and recognizing how good we have it in so many ways, especially as Americans, you know, I married an extraordinary woman from Brazil, from Sao Paulo, who is just amazing and so much strength and fortitude and resilience is in her and we have two beautiful children together, but you know, there's also a third world country and going down there Michael, you know, was a wake-up call as well to how good we have it as a mirror. And I think especially for my kiddos, right? my toddler's 4 years old and she's already been down their multiple times, but for us to expose ourselves to other culturals, and other nations, and to see that they struggle in ways, that we necessarily don't have to, as Americans in the first world Nation is such a tremendous eye opener.

And so, you know, through a combination of those things, there was an acute awareness that. I am a person who has gone, what I've gone through to help serve and empower others. And so embracing that identity, embracing who I am and sticking to it and owning it and saying, you know what, I don't have to compare myself to anybody else out there, I'm fearfully and wonderfully made, unique in all of my own rights as are you, as our each and every one of us, there's no other Caleb Kidd Coy out there and there's such a freedom and liberation in coming to terms with that and then getting yourself away from the need to compare yourself to anybody else out there, Michael.

Michael: Yeah, that's really well said, and I'll say this traveling the world help me understand myself in ways that I wish I can convey to people. I don't think there's anything more important, especially, America's a bubble, you have to understand this and if you've never stepped outside of this bubble, you don't understand how incredible the world truly is.

And we are taught through media often to be scared of the world and I have found nothing but the most incredible people as I've traveled, of course, you have run-ins here and there is eight billion people on planet Earth not everyone is going to be amazing but the vast majority of people that I've encountered anywhere. I've lived across the entire planet earth has been rewarding and fulfilling, and when you step into these environments of recognizing, that one American dollar can literally change somebody's life. You start to re-evaluate what matters and that was such a huge part of the journey for me, even in healing was, can I be in these environments and show up and deal with being locked out of my apartment in Vietnam and not knowing how to speak Vietnamese and like – almost drowning to death in the ocean and valley and being in London and taking the wrong tube and then accidentally ending up at the Harry Potter place and I was like, I didn't know this was here, right? And like – all of these things and that's the adventure of life and stepping into it but there's fear that comes along with that, right? And choosing to put yourself first and to be of service there's a juxtaposition there because people will hear that and go, well, that doesn't make sense. How do you serve but put yourself first and I look at your journey and going from this poverty mindset to changing it, to this abundance mindset, and you're doing exactly that. Can you talk about how you step into that, and how you stepped into the mindset shift around this? Because I think it's so incredibly important.

Caleb: Yeah, absolutely Michael and wonderful highlights there. It's, you know, it's never easy. When were raised in an atmosphere and environment, right? That we allow dictating who we are and as we get older, hopefully, we come to the acute realization that we have the power, we have the ability to dictate that environment or to establish the atmosphere that we create around us. But when you're subjecting yourself to an atmosphere, especially as a kid growing up, right? You don't necessarily have control over that, can't say, well, I'm going to move out, you know, as a ten-year-old kid and you know to go somewhere else mom and dad, there's just certain things that are outside of our personal control.

And so a lot of that journey for me, was it just to realign myself with different people who shared my values, right? Who shared the mindset that I wanted, maybe I didn't have it in at the time or who were going in a direction that I wanted to go in. And this goes back to the importance of mentors, right? And it doesn't mean we all necessarily drop tens of thousands of dollars out of the gate to find the right business, coaches and mentors, but it does mean that we can pick up that book. And, like –Napoleon Hill, for example, if he was here today, you know, the questions I would have for him. Oh my goodness, but yet his legacy lives on in his book, his teaching, his training. And, now that I think of it, right there was another one of his books that was actually locked up in the vaults for decades and decades and was recently released via permission of his wife until not too many recent years ago, but outwitting the devil was another one of his books, that just was just like Holy Toledo Batman, this is some deep shizzle right here.

And so, a lot of that is centered around that mindset journey that he had with this entity called the devil, you know, call it the, you know, inner opposite self or whatever, whoever it was is irrelevant, but that there was this war going on, in the mind, right? That he had to liberate himself from. And I often state that the prison for people is really in the mind because our soul, our mind, our will, our emotions, our intellect have the power to transform us to whatever we are subjected to the most.

I hope you guys caught that is that some deep stuff right there, whatever we subject, our site, our irrigates to, our mind, our emotions, our intellect to that, is what we assimilate. And ultimately, that's to we become whether it's intentionally or whether it's inadvertently. And so, Michael will be starting to become aware of what I was taking in, right? Those, the negativity that I grew up with, well, you can't afford that Caleb or well, we're just waiting for our ship to come in some day our ships going to come in and things like that, right? Those are the subconscious factors for what we assimilate within our soul are probably the deepest rooted in our lives, and the most difficult to dig out if you will, right?

And so until we get down to that root system and that structure that's been embedded so deeply into our subconscious, it's going to be very difficult to unlearn it, right? Because I often say you have to unlearn what, you know before you can properly relearn with accurate information and knowledge.

Michael: Yeah, that's so powerful. You know, I say it all the time. What you think becomes what you speak, what you speak, becomes your action, your actions become your reality, and that's the truth about everything in life. And I also grew up in a poverty mindset, I mean, we were in poverty, we were homeless, we were dirt poor, we were the kids that, you know, I stole food to survive, I stole water to live like – I did what it took to live and then, like – once I had abundance, I didn't know what to do with it and being like, financially secure at 20 years old, working for a fortune 10 company and just blowing it all, it was crazy. I go, and I look back at this five, six years working for this company like – I wasted all of this money, but it taught me so many important lessons.

One of the things that you mentioned that I want to dive into was talking about the power of mentorship and people often think, like – I can't afford a mentor, I can't afford a coach, I can't afford this or that and I'm always like – yeah, but you can afford a book, you can start there and you can build from there. I mean, I read 60 70 books a year, right? But I also invest, and I think about this constantly life is about this concept of like team, right? If you want to move forward, team being, time, energy, effort, money, you got to put something into the pot to play the game. And often what people fail to understand is that they're looking for an ROI on mentorship without understanding the fact that it's immeasurable, what will come to your life. You and I happen to run in a couple of the same circles and have familiar mentors, but talk to me about your journey in mentorship from where it started to where it's at now and the power of drafting behind people who are just one step in front of you.

Caleb: Yeah, absolutely Michael, and you nailed it. You know, there is no substitute for self-investment and there is no limit that we should not be continually investing in ourselves and that goes not just monetarily and financially, right? But in our mindset and our physical well-being to be whole people, right? We need to be whole spirit, soul, and body. There are so many components to our humanity and we can't do a lot for people if our health is waning or certain aspects of our mindset, are not properly aligned. And so, you know, the fact that we have the opportunity to invest ourselves like, you mentioned it earlier I mean, you can't out of the gate, right?

A lot of people can't afford to just purchase coaching programs, purchase coaches or pay for one-on-one mentorship if it's just not reality, I can completely relate and resonate but it did not stop me. As you said, you know there's too much oversight given on reading and the mentors who have compiled the wealth of knowledge and information that years of expertise and experience the ten thousands of people that Napoleon Hill interviewed and their struggles and in their failures and in their successes, right? You just do not know what is available to you just by reading a book. And so again, we got to throw excuses out the window, you have to start somewhere and so for me there was this insatiable hunger, right? When there was that Epiphany that took place that said, okay, there's a whole other world waiting for me out there I just have to tap into it. Well, nothing's going to stop to you're going to go to any limit that you can to find out what's available to you and this goes back to what I said before. You have to de-program this before you can properly reprogram it. And the deprogramming is no, easy, task whatsoever. And so, we're talking about years and years and years of due, diligence and research, and things like that.

For me, I'm also a student of international law. I have a good friend and Associate who's a diplomat and a prime minister. And I've learned so much from him in the way that I look at humanity as a whole and international law teaches us that numbers (1) We are all brothers and sisters under the sun and number (2) That we should be looking out for one another's best interest, seeking our fellow brothers and sisters, prosperity and happiness, not just our own. And so again, as you find the right tribe, the right community like you said, Michael, we share some similar circles and backgrounds, but that's kind of what we have that deep conversation about in Dallas, right? That there was a community of people that were established that you're able to align yourself with and we're so much better when we're together, we can grow quicker, we can recognize the failures in the mistakes and a lot about mentorship and having a good coach, and a good mentor is they've already fallen flat on their face for us, right? They've already made the mistakes, they've already learned the hard way, they've already dropped a bunch of dough into figuring it out that will allow us to sidestep if you will or to accelerate past making those same mistakes.

And so, you know, it's something Michael that as a parent I recognize it as well, right? In building the right legacy for my family and my children, I don't want my kids to have to go through the same crap I went through, right?

If they choose not to again right? Their own freewill moral agency as they get older, they got their own mind, there got their own choice, but what we instill in them as mentors, right? As parents will give them the capacity to sidestep the mistakes that we made as parents and thus grow quicker and do things that, hopefully, will not be able to accomplish right?

I want my kids to show me, show me their dust, do what I can't do, you know, go above and beyond and I think any true leader or mentor wants that for their students, wants them to excel in such a way that they go out and maybe do more than them, be able to release them after they Mentor, them raise them up, then say, hey, now you go out and impact a world and do more than I did.

Michael: Yeah, I absolutely love that. And as a coach and I've coached thousands of people around the world that's like the goal and like I need you out of my program. I don't even want you in it, to begin with, what do we have to do to get you to where you want to go in life? And such a big part of this is about the reprogramming, right? You mentioned that you have to reframe the way that you understand yourself from the world and going through to some extent, I believe that you have to brainwash yourself into believing something that feels so far fetched when you come from this place of understanding that you've been put into this position of only believing one way.

Now, I have the fortune of knowing a little bit more about your story and you living on donations and you going and sharing words and you being a leader while suffering. Talk to us about this journey for you to go from this place where you're barely surviving, you're going out you're living on tithing and donations, life is hard and you made a shift. What was that journey like?

Caleb: Yeah, absolutely, Michael. Well, you know, began with the era of the mindset that I was supposed to suffer, right? That it was good for me to continually suffer and scrape by, but then the reality hits you, right? It comes crashing down on your head that you're ultimately limited in so many ways and capacities from reaching more people, because of those limitations that you have placed on yourself. So, going, you know, the self-rescuing process and again, nobody can do this for you guys, right? At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how many good mentors and leaders, and trainers that you have around you. If you are not willing to take the necessary steps to free yourself. If you're not willing to put in the work and yes, mindset is a huge part of that.

So, you know, coming out of that and beginning to, build a legacy it was just so extraordinary, Michael because it was I remember back in the days of doing, you know, the outreach and working with all the nonprofits and here I am taking donations, living on donations scraping by to pay the bills, but in my heart, I was like – man, I want to get to the place where I host and pay for my own conferences, right? Where I bring in speakers where I can do this, I mean, it was always in my heart, I'll never forget the first vehicle I gave away. It was this, a minivan that I was using for campus Outreach when I lived in Carrollton, Georgia, and we were doing stuff on the campus and University, I drove around this van, I had the big magnet logo, Outreach on the side of the minivan, was a cool, little white Minivan, and it got to a point where I didn't need that anymore. And I was able to give that away to someone who really needed a car, who just really needed a vehicle, and no, it wasn't a Porsche, it wasn't a Ferrari, it wasn't a Lamborghini, but it was something that made me feel so good inside and I was just like, you know what, I was born to do this. I was born to be able to give more to serve more and to do more and so little things like that, right? That were just those pivotal moments in my journey that recognition that caused a spark and said, okay, you know, if I can give away a minivan, I can give away a lot more than that. And so, you know, again, I think there's this aspect of arctic goes back to our character, Michael and ultimately, what are we going to do when we start to have money? Your example is Perfect, Dude, right? Because most people are not prepared for it, we say, well, if I won the lottery tomorrow, I give half of it away and you know, I donate to all these remarkable charitable causes and then we see right? The reality of human nature and who we are within ultimately will come out.

So just like, pressure, you'll have money, wealth, influence, fame, fortune. Whatever it is, is ultimately going to bring out who you already are within. And so, I think there's this element to our journey where we are being forged in the fires of adversity and affliction if you will, that we are embracing the fact that our character is being honed to be a good and faithful steward in the little things because if you're not being faithful in the little things, how can you expect yourself to be entrusted with so much more and I think the universe is watching and looking and I was just like – you know what? There's this realization that it wasn't the right time, I think of, you know, early failed investments where I took a massive loss, right?

There was an oil and gas investment early on and I went in on it with one of my life coaching clients who were heir to the Hershey's chocolate family and it had the potential to do very very well for us, and it did for about a year and a half. And then, there was someone involved with the accompany that got busted for fraud, SEC got involved and boom, all sudden overnight, right? It's gone and I was just reeling, right? I mean, I remember the tears that I shed the heartfelt cries of looking up and going, you know, God Universe, why did this happen? Right? And so at that moment, there was again an opportunity in my life. Will I allow fear to dictate to me in the future that I'll be afraid to invest that I'll be afraid to take risks or will I recognize this as an opportunity that the Universe was trying to teach me something embrace it, and grow from it? And thankfully, I did the second part of that. And so it cultivated within me, this courage to confront and to overcome these fears, and we all have them, right? It's part of human nature, putting yourself out there, right? Just like we did in Dallas and putting it on the line, right? To do this speaking, to share our story, in our messages is not always easy like not everybody is born a natural public speaker, but there are those areas in our lives where we each have deep-seated and deep-rooted fears that we have to confront. And if we don't confront those, I'm convinced we'll continue to go around that mountain and the kind of things that we are believing in will not necessarily manifest in our lives until our character has been forged to that degree.

So for me, it was recognizing that each and every failure, if you will, every adversity, every mistake that I made was an opportunity to learn and to grow from it and to be a good steward and be trusted with more things.

And so, you know, now I'm doing that as more abundance is coming and I'm going, where do I want to put this? What do I want to do with it? Just getting past that selfish mindset, right? Michael, would, this was you experience this? You got all this money, all of a sudden I'm gonna go out and spend it on myself, right? I'm going to go buy this, I'm going to do that, there's a lot of discipline to be cultivated in there so that when people do start stepping into abundance, they don't blow it and start spending it on themselves.

Michael: Yeah, and I wish that I would have had an understanding of my values, then. Right now, of course, you know, that's retrospect, you can't, I can't change the past, I'm not caught up in that but what I am saying is that I put such a big precedent of everything that happens in my life about being an alignment. Like, understanding my values, understanding who I am, understanding my wants, my needs, my interest, my mission, my vision, my goals, all of it top to bottom because I believe without that, you know, it's the old adage, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything and I wasted all that money, right? And that's fine, like – whatever you can always make money back. I'm more upset about the time that I wasted cuz I'll never get that back but there's this thing that I think people get caught up on and even listening to you now, I rewound myself for a moment, I said, all right, if I were 18, if were 24, if I was 30 years old again, I was listening to Caleb right now, I would immediately think, well, yeah, easier said than done, right?

Easier said than that, like great, you could give away a minivan, well, you must be a Millionaire, right? But want you to talk about the fact that you don't have to have everything to give something.

Caleb: Yeah, excellent point, Michael. It's so true. I think it goes back to the condition of your heart. You know, what are your motives? What are your true intentions as to why you're doing what you're doing and again my transition into Business and Entrepreneurship was an extension of spending, you know, two decades of my life serving other people with the right heart and motive and not doing it for monetary gain? Now, did I know my value at the time, Michael? No. And that was a big part of this transition for me, right? Was learning to put a value on me, having given so much away for free for so many years, right? My time, my talent, my energy, and again, these are things that we all have, even if we don't have the monetary aspect, right? We all have something to give that can benefit somebody else out there. So for a lot of years at that was all I could give that was all I could do and yes, I was you know, giving of my finances and resources in the limited you know the way that I could in those years, but ultimately right, you said it I mean, what is the condition of your heart, if you have the heart to give and to serve, you're going to be demonstrating that in the little ways.

And so as you start to accumulate more that will be reflected as a part of your character as an extension of who you are and so I'm grateful for that journey as well, you know, just like you are Michael, I would never reverse it. I go, man, you know, what could I be doing? What could I have done if I were to learn these things at 20 years old, you just can't look at it like that, right? Because I had to go through that aspect of my journey. I had to learn to appreciate how precious life was, right? And that's the big part of me, you know, helping others build their legacy today, right? Is the fact that this life is so fragile, it's so temporal, especially as Americans, we take so many things for granted, you know, and I'll be very transparent here, I've had to repent, I've had to ask God in the universe for forgiveness, for taking my wife and kids for granted at times and I try very hard not to do that, Michael every single day. I wake up, I realized, okay, I woke up first and foremost, I didn't have to but I did that was a gift, that was an opportunity, what am I going to do with it? And, I think whether the world is willing to admit it or not that everybody out there in one way or another is seeking to be loved by somebody else.

And so this self-love learning to love me, learning to love myself, forgive myself was a huge part of my journey and then recognizing holy cow to be able to love another human being unconditional, okay? Not with conditions, loving them, right? Where they are for who they are with all their quirks and issues and character, flaws that we all have, by the way, nobody's exempt and then to receive love from another human being unconditional, is probably one of the most beautiful, rich, rewarding, wealthy, successful, and fulfilling things that anybody can have this side of the grave if you will. You know, nobody knows for sure, what's on the other side, I'm an advocate that there's probably something more right life after death if you will, but the question is, what are we doing with this one chance? This is one opportunity of life that we've been given because nobody's guaranteed tomorrow. You know, I just recently had my 43rd birthday and I'm going, holy crap, you know, it's going by so fast now. Am I making the most of it? Am I utilizing my time wisely? Am I taking care of my body so that I can raise this tall? Or that runs circles around me the six-month-old baby boy, right? That deprives us of sleep at night sometimes you know, what am I doing every single day to improve, who I am as an individual, as a person, as a parent, as a dad, as a husband so that I can better serve and love those people around me. But dude, there are days where I'm having a go at it and, you know, it's rough with the clients and our kids, we don't give them credit sometimes, they have so much intuition, just walk up to you and give you a hug, or look at you and just say, you know, I love you Daddy or those little things man that just make everything come back into perspective and what really matters to us, right?

Michael: That's beautiful. And you said something in there about accepting love and I think that's such a big catalyst for this healing journey, and it's hard, it's difficult, it's uncomfortable. I think we often I'll speak for myself, drugs and alcohol, sex, the whole thing, the chaos of it, all the vortex of it, all is what I call it that was about just feeling abandoned in the world. Not willing to be accepted nor reciprocate love. And love being this emotion, I think people throw out, so willy-nilly for lack of a better way to phrase it that lost power but it's something about the emotional connection that you have through the vulnerability of being a human being in connection with another human being that creates this, a massive shift in change in what you understand. What are your thoughts about it and of course, the Power of Love Huey Lewis song, just comes into my head but what do you think? What like in a real practical way? What do you think are the benefits of accepting and reciprocating The Power of Love?

Caleb: Great question, Michael. And first of all, let me articulate the fact that I believe that love is not a feeling, it's not an emotion. Love is a choice each and every day we choose whether or not we're going to love ourselves or to love other people around us. And so I'm so convinced that, you know, we as human beings because of the negative experiences that we all go through in our lives often, feel undeserving of loving ourselves, of loving others, and especially of being able to receive love and the reality is, you know, there are some people that can give love but it's very hard for them to receive it, they feel unworthy, they feel undeserving and so all those mindsets and mentalities that muck with our brain that creates these paradigms and dynamics that are not really that say, you know, who are you? You know, am I pretty enough? Am I handsome enough? You know, is does my hair look good enough? Is my smile pretty enough? Are all irrelevant to receiving love and to giving love from an unconditional standpoint. And so, you know the depth of who we are as people and society. And again, Meteorite has superficial eyes if you will so many ways, what love is and it's based on appearances and it's based on feelings and it's based on emotions. No. As a guy that's been married for over a decade now, right? I don't always feel in love with my wife, okay, those honeymoon stages are going to wear off and realities going to kick in, but there's that acute awareness that I know that I love my wife and I choose to love her each and every moment of every day to the best of my ability, right? Even when I've crossed the line and even when I let my emotions, get the best of me and said something that I shouldn't have said, right? And I have to have to regret it, and then as a man, I have to go humble myself and I have to seek forgiveness, right?

We have to be willing to recognize our mistakes to seek forgiveness and then I think that's just a huge part of it, Michael of cultivating true love within ourselves.

And I've often said it, we really don't have the capacity to love until we understand how much we are loved, and for me, there's an acute awareness right after my near-death experience, dude. Nobody on the planet will ever be able to convince me that there's not something someone greater than ourselves out there, looking out for us, right? Because of what I experienced and so there is a realization and an awareness that I am loved by the universe, by the Creator. And so, having the capacity to understand that Caleb Kidd Coy is loved, the Michael Unbroken is loved, allows me to better, give that love to reciprocate that love to pour it into other people because I think we're just, you know, we're conduits, we're channels and what we're taking in again, goes back to what I mentioned about the power of the soul, transforming, conforming us to whatever, we subjected to the most, we become a conduit. And I'm just a conduit, it's not about me in the self-absorbed world that is so adamant to get into the spotlight to seek success.

I think it's something that differentiates me, Michael, honestly, is that I just don't give a rip, you know, if you can love me, you can hate me, I'm going to love you anyway, right? We don't have to be friends, you don't have to like me, but I'm going to love you, I'm going to want what's best in your life, I'm going to pray for you probably and that's just who I am. I'm not seeking recognition, I'm not seeking the accolades of others, because I know who I am. Caleb Kidd Coy is secure in his identity, and I think the more that people come into that place of finding who they really are, what that have been created for, what their purpose is in the Earth, and they embrace that, and they just become an unstoppable force to be reckoned with so.

Michael: Power. There's truth in that and I, myself have my own thoughts about God, Spirit, Universe. You know, growing up in the Mormon church and experiencing this tremendous amount of abuse as a kid, I don't know at the end of that, I don't have the answer to the question. The one thing I do know is that to think it's not plausible is an odd way to think about the world and I often, I've had a few near-death experiences, and those things have those moments that are just embedded in rained in me, are these moments of transition that are huge, that is beautiful and I think they happen in part because you haven't, yet tapped into that thing that you're supposed to be doing. And I think that you get a couple of these wake-up calls, but then eventually you run out of them and I could be wrong and I don't know but I'm just saying from my experience and love being such an important catalyst in this whole thing because I think if you're having these rock-bottom moments, for me, it's putting a gun in my mouth, it's OD'ing on, drugs, you know, the whole nine is there must be something more and it started with learning to love myself and that I would argue is the most difficult thing that you will ever do in your life. Caleb, I could literally talk to you all day, my friend. This has been an amazing conversation, I think you've brought so much value for The Unbroken Nation today. I'm very stoked that you can be here but before I ask you, my last question, can you tell everybody where they can find you?

Caleb: A hundred percent. Well, all my social media hashtags, you'll find me online @metalpreneur, and then my website of course is, and looking forward to connecting with you guys and just see how we can better serve one another, better empower one another because that's what it's about, we're going and growing together dude, aren't we?

Michael: Yeah, hundred percent my friend, and I'm so happy that you're here with us today. My last question for you is, what does that mean to you to be unbroken?

Caleb: Great question. What does it mean to me to be unbroken? I think we all experience brokenness, right? Tragedy at some point in our life and it's just going back to what we've been talking about, Michael and part of piecing ourselves back together, is that self-love, is that self-care and to not hold on to unforgiveness and resentment and bitterness because I'm convinced that unforgiveness is like cancer, it's like gangrene and it will eat away at you, you know, quicker than a cancer disease and it will start to destroy who you are as a person. A lot of people don't realize that you know, by forgiving, they're not just releasing that other person, they're ultimately releasing themselves and part of that healing process that can take place in us as we learn to forgive ourselves and forgive other people.

So, you know, to be unbroken, to be resilient is to get back up every single time, you fall to choose to go on no matter how bad it gets no matter how rough life gets and that's ultimately why we're here, right? Is to help one another grow and to discover this limitless, potential that's resident inside each and every one of us.

And I know for me Michael, you know, a big part of doing the legacy estate planning that I do and now the AI and block chain well services so that people can grow their assets and grow their resources. A lot of that stemmed from the realization that people were being taken advantage of, in a lot of ways for their money and we can look at all aspects in areas of life.

And so, for me, I've always felt a big part of my calling is to be a voice for the voiceless and, you know, I saw a lot of people taking advantage of whether it was in religion, whether it was in finances or whatever and I realize a big part of my purpose was to start giving the power back to the people and so educating them on how they can protect and grow their assets through a revocable living trust. You know, we've got this extraordinary, digital estate planning platform that ultimately gives the power back to the people, it puts them at the helm, puts them in the driver's seat so that they can take control of their legacy in a big part of it again, was fear. We don't know what to do, we don't know where to go, we don't want to trust some high-powered attorney who's going to take us for a ride and for good reason, right? I can empathize with that, I can understand, that's why we do, what we do but things like probate suck. And for people to have to lose 40% of what they spent their lives working so hard for to the American judicial system, to the legal process, to people who don't give a rat's ass about them, their family, or their heirs is just wrong in every way. And so, I had had enough of that personally, and in part of, you know, why I'm doing what I'm doing today is that I recognized, right? We're in a volatile place, right?

There's a lot that's happened over the past year and a half or the world's changed, hasn't it, Michael, it's never going to be the same in my opinion. There's never going to be any going back to the way things were, it's going to continue to change. So there's volatility in the economy, there's volatility in the market and it's easy to let fear paralyze us. So, why am I here? I'm here to help people become epic legacy heroes, that they can take back the power to protect, to grow their assets, a lot of what we do is show them ways that they can grow their assets in a safe FDIC-insured environment that will stay ahead of the curve with inflation, that's not affected by market volatility’s, and that's a big deal in this day and age Michael. And so I do feel like – I'm on an extraordinary rescue mission if you will and I want people to get ahead. I don't want people to continue to be in this survival mode mentality, dude, you and I've been there, we know what that feels like and nobody should have to spend their lives in survival mode when there is a place that we can thrive, there is a place of abundance where we can get ahead of the curve and ultimately be blessed so that we can start being a blessing to other people and maybe family members, friends down the road will be in a dire situation and will be the one to help rescue them and get them out of it, and that's just a huge rewarding and fulfilling place to be in.

Michael: Amazing, my friend, thank you so much for being here.

Unbroken Nation, thank you for listening.

Please like, subscribe, comment, share, tell a friend.

And Until Next Time.

My friends, Be Unbroken.

I'll see you.



Michael Unbroken Profile Photo

Michael Unbroken


Michael is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker, coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma.

Caleb Kidd Coy Profile Photo

Caleb Kidd Coy

Legacy Hero Consultant | Ai & Blockchain Wealth Services Disruptor | Digital Estate Planning Advisor

I’ve spent over two decades empowering and serving humanity. Today, I love watching people becomes epic heroes to their families and communities.

Our legacy is so much more than our money, or our material belongings. It’s in the way we live, the way we give and how we serve those we love and cherish.

The world and the economy is constantly shifting and changing. I work with an extraordinary, artificial intelligence supercomputer software company with a wealth services subsidiary and a remarkable, digital estate planning company.

We help all types of folks protect their estate, while safely growing their assets and retirement accounts in an FDIC insured environment that allows them to stay ahead of rising inflation, while not having to worry about market volatility or economic uncertainty.

To learn how you can protect and grow your assets to build a future legacy, please register to watch my presentations:

How To Safely Grow Your Money -

How To Protect Your Assets -

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