psychotherapist/clinical hypnotherapist/artist
Jen believes in people healing. Healing, not coping/soothing as there is a big difference. She has been a psychotherapist for over 2 decades and a supervisor and champion of therapists for almost the same. I grew up in an alcoholic, dysfunctional family that looked really good on the outside with professional parents and kids who were 'bright' and went far...but inside the family were secrets of incest and alcoholism. When I was 36 years old I suddenly remembered being sexually abused by my mother. I nearly went completely mad and definitely went quite mad. This started my journey to healing and sobriety and I continue to trudge daily. The help I needed took me to many therapists' couches, psychologist appointments, psychiatry appointments, alternative healing circles, and 12-step meetings. Through this inside experience, I became PASSIONAtE about what helps people and what doesn't. I changed my complete approach to being a therapist after being a client and NEEDING HELP and getting it, and not getting it. My job as a clinical supervisor and private therapist became an experiment in 'what helps' clients heal from trauma and addiction and I tried a LOT OF THINGS and still do! What I've learned for sure is this: therapists who are authentic, real, and human help clients profoundly. How then do I support therapists to KNOW their own stories and wounds and USE this knowledge to have a healing impact on their clients? How do I support therapists in breaking out of the mold they became trapped in during their graduate program and remembering the sacredness and marvel of human healing?
Jen is passionate about the use of art and basic human sharing as ways to profoundly heal.