josh bolton

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So the basics of the Josh Bolton show are all about mindset, business strategies, tips, tricks on success, and life in general. We have talked from C suite executives of publicly traded companies to the artist on the street trying to get their name known plus all walks of life in between.

How my story goes, I was born in the early 90s, pre-Google search, and all that and Internet was still hard to use. But, I remember floppy disks as an elementary school kid.

I've watched technology grow from brick size phones to slim Smart Phones. I bring that specifically up because when I was a young child at the school, I had ADHD. But pre-2002 on it was no "politically correct" or emotional support systems. So with ADHD, it was perceived as schizophrenic and start a long rabbit hole of drugs. Big Pharma was keeping me under the boot. In March 2019, I finally broke free of the Big Pharma regime of drugs.

During this time, I was a curious kid that constantly asked questions others didn't often ask. I couldn't understand why no one wouldn't speak up. I still don't know that answer.

My grandfather's biggest lesson ever taught me was to ask the question no one wants to ask even if you get in trouble because you don't know who you just helped out and paved a path by asking that one question.

As of recently, specifically March 2020, during the pandemic lockdown and market crash, I was extremely confused why people were dancing in the street like it is the best in the world. But, on the other hand, others are crying, which started me down the journey of investing and trading.

When you're investing and trading, you are buying a business. I decided to learn how business work. Come find out from the business studies.

It's all about mindset and personal self-awareness, so I went on the psychology path.

From the psychology path, well. A lot has happened from there.

Now I'm on a mission with this podcast and, in general, to help show my younger self (The Younger Josh) that being an entrepreneur is not a bad thing. It's worth taking risks. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. So that is my mission now to help any younger aspiring entrepreneurs to realize their full potential and not be pined into the 9-to-5 grind of the rat race.

Freedom is a choice and is worth fighting for always.