Matty Lansdown

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Scientist / Nutritionist / Coach

Matty Lansdown is a scientist and nutritionist with over a decade of experience, including work in a nutritional epigenetics lab for elite athletes and a disease research team in hospitals. During his time in the medical field, he began to question the lack of attention given to the role of diet and lifestyle in diseases, especially considering the prevalence of overweight and obese patients. This realization led him to delve into unconventional research, uncovering eye-opening truths about health and wellness. Eventually, he left his corporate science career due to the significant gap he saw in the world of health, nutrition, and weight loss.

Oct. 10, 2023

The Unbreakable Mindset and Overcoming Childhood Trauma: Michael Unbroken on How To Not Get Sick And Die Podcast

In this powerful episode, Michael and Matty Lansdown delve deep into the world of mental and emotional transformation. As a guest, Michael shares his incredible journey... See show notes at:…