Dec. 5, 2023

Healing Childhood Trauma and Uncovering Your Birthright of Abundance | with Daniel Mangena

Abundance is our natural state. Yet often we find ourselves stuck in scarcity, unable to fully step into the abundant life we desire. In this another episode from last year’s Unbroken Conference segment, speaker and author Daniel Mangena... See show notes at:

Abundance is our natural state. Yet often we find ourselves stuck in scarcity, unable to fully step into the abundant life we desire. In this another episode from last year’s Unbroken Conference segment, speaker and author Daniel Mangena shares insights on aligning with your inherent abundance.

Learn the meaning of true abundance beyond money. Discover why "manifesting" often doesn't create real change. Find out the role of emotions, worthiness and clarity of desire in shifting from possibility to probability.

Through interactive exercises, stories, and frameworks, Daniel provides practical tools to identify and move beyond personal abundance blocks. This podcast will open your eyes to simple but profound truths about consciously creating the life you want.

Come away inspired, equipped and empowered to claim the abundance that is your birthright. Tune in now to begin unlocking your path to freedom, ease and overflow.

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Learn how to heal and overcome childhood trauma, narcissistic abuse, ptsd, cptsd, higher ACE scores, anxiety, depression, and mental health issues and illness. Learn tools that therapists, trauma coaches, mindset leaders, neuroscientists, and researchers use to help people heal and recover from mental health problems. Discover real and practical advice and guidance for how to understand and overcome childhood trauma, abuse, and narc abuse mental trauma. Heal your body and mind, stop limiting beliefs, end self-sabotage, and become the HERO of your own story. 

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Hello everyone, how we doing today? Just so you know, I'm not one of those passive people, so you think it's gonna be all. I'm gonna sit here and we're not gonna do anything, unfortunately, you're the wrong conference and I'm the wrong person, but we're gonna get into it. We're gonna do some things, very grateful for the opportunity to connect today. A little bit intimidated to go after Anthony, cuz he's that guy but there we go, we're gonna get into it to speak of the truth of the thing. Who's having a rocking time so far? Who's having the most amazing time ever? I see hands, I see emojis. I love it, I love it, I love it. Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous.

What we're gonna do some more full disclosure, I am very, very excited to be here, honestly, all the disclosures of the world. Also, full disclosure, I'm not Australian, so that's not an Australian accent, if that's what you thought it was, I apologize – British.

So, should we get into it? Ready to do the thing? Look Michael, I take instructions, I've got a stopwatch to make sure we don't run over. Ooh, very exciting.

So, guys, I'm here to talk about a very simple idea and the idea I'd like to introduce to you begins with a question. Again, remember I told you this is interactive. How many of you have ever looked at nature and seen lack? Oh wait. Oh, we've got one. Brian Jones says he's seen lack in nature, okay. Be very interested to see where you saw it ‘cause you may have just ruined my entire opening, but there we go, I go to posture. I'm gonna put forward the idea that lack only shows up in nature when humans get involved, when nature's left to its own devices, it's always abundant. Now, I may have to completely change my view of the world and give up my job in case Brian's right, but I'm gonna put forward that theory. I'm gonna hypothesize that nature is naturally, inherently abundant. And if you think about it, even in those times when space is created within nature, nature always seeks to grow into it. There's a crack in the floor what happens, something grows up through, right. A building gets overrun with leaves, any animal left to its own devices will have a lot of sex and a lot of babies, natures just abundant, that's just what it does. And yet we as humans somehow have fallen out of touch with that, even though we are, although a bit confused, still a part of nature, and somehow have this illusion, this confused idea that we have to kill or be killed, destroy the competition, work till we drop, give up everything and be out of alignment with the natural state of abundance. And so, my mission, my job, the thing I do every day is remind people that it doesn't have to be that way that nature operates abundantly and our natural inherent divinely given state is abundance.

So, with that being said, who here would actually like more abundance in their life?

If so, type me in the chat please. Yes, we're gonna be doing some things. Type me in the chat if you would like a more abundant life. Fabulous! I like you guys already.

Here's another question. How many of you would like that abundant life with ease? If you want with the ease. Let me see a letter Y or a yes in the chat, please with ease. So, we flow naturally into this state of abundance versus, oh, I wanna be abundant, but I'm gonna be very, very tired and burnt out when I get to my abundance.

Let's talk about abundance.

I personally, I define abundance as all my needs being met with sufficient space for me to be of contribution to others without the need for me to think about my needs being met.And the way that I arrive at that is on a little journey that I refer to as the triangle to abundance. And I'm gonna share a little bit about that. Now, can everybody see my sexy triangle? Everybody sees my sexy triangle. Thank you for my triangle appreciates you for accepting sexiness. It feels seen. All right.

So, here's the thing, as we look at this triangle, oftentimes people get a veryone-sided kind of blinkered idea that these levels are dictated by how much money you have. And yet how much money you have is not the deciding fact on how abundant you are. Let me explain how.

You see scarcity, by my definition is not having the resources mentally, physically, and emotionally to live life on your own terms. So, what that could look like is someone could be making a million dollars a month, and yet because they haven't addressed their trauma, because they haven't listened to my boy and Michael and got unbroken. They're so caught up in this killer or be killed emotional state in fight or flight that they're not even able to enjoy that million dollars a month. Do you get where I'm coming from? There may be somebody that is making a million dollars a month, but they're devoid of any connection, their body's falling apart and they're burning out, there's nothing inside them, they feel empty is that person abundant just because they've got a lot of money? No. And yet there's a person who's making a thousand dollars a year, but they need to be met, they've got connection, they've got love, they've got purpose and meaning in their life that person is not scarce. I would define that person as being stable – level two. So, scarcity level one is not having the physical, mental, and emotional means to live life on your own terms.


When we start to step into level two stability, what we're talking about their guys, is my needs are met, but it requires me to exchange time and energy to meet those needs. It could be I'm working in my business instead of working on my business that I've gotta job and if I stop working on the business, if I stop working, I can't meet my needs. So, we can pay the bills, we can get the holiday, we are home complete within ourself, but in order to maintain that state of equilibrium, I need to exchange time and energy to do that.

Freedom is a very sexy, yummy, delicious place because freedom is, my needs are being met, but I don't have to exchange time and energy in order to actually get to it. So, I either have sufficient investments, income or business that operates without me needing to exchange time and energy in order for me to have stability.

Abundance is on the other side of that and what abundance looks like is this. I've got everything I need time-wise, energy-wise; I've got enough love, I've got enough vitality I can give and give and give, and my giving doesn't come at the expense of me having to think in any way, shape, or form about my needs being met, that for me guys, is a space of abundance. And surprisingly, I have not always been in a position in my life where I was even stable, let alone free abundant.

Michael shared that, you know, I've been to the rock bottom. What actually happened with me is I had the uncanny gifted curse of being very successful, very young. I made my first million when I was 19 years old, promptly lost everything but being completely undeterred, having the arrogance of youth, I went off and created again. Then I think I lasted about a year and a half being a millionaire, I was flat broke again. More importantly, the entire construct that I built of who and what I was and what my life was and what my life meant, what my identity was, hello, Anthony was tied up in things, tied up in being the guy that knew how to do things. So when that entire house of cards fell down, because it got proven that I wasn't a 23 year old know-it-all, I was actually a 23 year old, not really know it all, and quite viciously, got slap back down to reality, anyone else had that? You got slept down to reality? And I had to go on a journey to build myself back up.

Now my rock bottom point for me, I could look back on a little bit and laugh on, actually, I did a TED talk about this and they refused to publish it. My TED talk was called What Suicide Taught Me about life. And the whole thing for me was that I only didn't make a firm attempt at suicide because I literally felt like such a loser at the time that if I would try, I would fail and I didn't wanna be the loser who couldn't even take their own life, that's literally the only reason why I didn't make an attempt. I looked at cutting my wrists and I thought, well, if I do that and it doesn't work, I'm gonna have these marks for the rest of my life that says I'm a loser that can't cut his own wrist, right? So, I can't do that. So well, I remembered that an ex-girlfriend of mine, her friend, had tried to take pills and she got found that they pumped her stomach and we were all standing around the hospital bed looking down at her and I didn't wanna do that either, and I didn't wanna be a pain and someone have to cut me down. So, I thought, well, I can't really hang myself, so that's not gonna work either. And of course, again, not Australian from the UK that I couldn't get a hold of a gun that was the only thing that I could think of it. If I could have got a hold of a gun, I would've tried but in the absence of anything, I decided instead, what I need to do is this, right? You ready? I need to de loser myself sufficiently to pull off my suicide correctly.

Now, suffice to say that journey led me into a completely different direction, which we'll get onto today, but on the journey to uncovering what had led to that pit, that rock bottom that I'd hit at that point back in 2008, I understood that although I had spent years at that point, fine tuning a mind that had the capacity to create what I wanted, there were missing pieces. And those missing pieces became a framework that now helps me to understand, not just for myself, but for the people I get to support around the world, how we can create different outcomes in our life– healing connection, coming back together, coming back to hold us, coming into purpose, coming into abundance in all its facets. And what that is this we as humans are not one dimensional.

Write that down.

“We as humans are not one dimensional”

Today, over the 33 minutes and 40 seconds that we've got left, what we're gonna be doing is we are going to be looking at some of the key reasons why we're unable to get to the outcome that we want in our life. That's it. And it sounds simple and it is ish, but simplicity and ease are two different ideas. Simplicity and ease are two different ideas, much the same as possibility and probability are two different ideas. And we're gonna start peeling away the illusion that puts them in the same bucket and creates a frustration of not getting to the life that we not only want, but that we deserve. Who's ready to step into the life that they deserve?

Okay, so here's the thing. We've looked at what abundance is I'm gonna, do you mind if I poop on people a little bit? And I'm not gonna call any names out, but we need to do a little boo pooping because one of my greatest frustrations is that there are some powerful concepts and ideas that can change the world for us. And yet those ideas get caught up in airy fairy phrases that are not going to create any change. Who's ever heard the word manifest? Manifesting. I'm manifesting my best life. I'm calling it in from the angels, from the other dimensions. Let me just finish sipping my cacao or whatever, right? Law of attraction. I'm thinking happy thoughts and all the abundance is coming into my life. Yes, I claim.

Anybody watch those YouTube videos. Watch this YouTube video every day for 30 days, and you'll manifest your riches. Anyone do this?

Does anybody actually know anybody that's done any of those things and actually gotten the abundance? Anybody know? Anyone?

We're gonna talk about why that's the case.

I've done a lot of research; I've just finished filming a documentary about this called Manifestation. I've got a tenured neuroscientist. We've got one of the guys who invented the MRI machine, a neuro biochemist. And we've scientifically ripped apart this concept of manifestation. And do you know what these scientists let me know?

Here it is manifested outcomes, generally speaking, aren't something that comes outta the ether, it's something that's there that comes into our awareness. It's something that's there that comes into our awareness. Did anybody come to this conference with a specific thing that they wanna create in their life? If so, let me know in the chat. What's something that you specifically wanted to create or change in your life? Let me see it in chat. Please.

So, here's the crazy thing. According to the scientists that I had the honor of interviewing, all of whom were like, I made sure that it got spit and sawed as sort of the earth scientists, not chiropractors or whatever that I've just got the Dr in front of their name that get to talk about stuff now, disrespect. But I got real scientists that actually do this stuff at the brain of, I got one of the guys that actually built the MRI machine that scans the brain, and they all let me know the same thing. Most of the time, what we're looking for is already here. And so, to spill the beans on it the very, very first thing that I found time and time again to be the reason why people don't create what they want is because they don't even know what they want or what they want is not within the realms of what they believe is possible. And when that happens, is actually a part of the brain that shuts off and stops you being able to see it.

So, if you do not believe it's possible for you to have confidence in yourself, even if the opportunity, possibility and reality of confidence in yourself was there, you physically would not be able to witness and experience that confidence in yourself. It's like a gray mist comes over your eyes and, in your mind, and you can't see. The path to healing could be right in front of you right now, but unless you believe it's possible for you, you literally won't be able to see the steps to take. You won't be able to make the shift, right? You won't be able to bring the pieces of the puzzle together.

So, the very, very first thing that we need to do, and I'm gonna give you an exercise to show you what that looks like today, is we need to understand what is it that I desire and can I quantify in sufficient detail to give it substance? Airy fairy ideas are not going to be accepted by the mind, and all that's gonna happen is your brain's gonna be thumbs up, bro. Great to see you trying. We're gonna keep doing what we've been doing. Did you know that the unconscious mind moves at 10,000 to 10 million times the speed of the conscious mind. So that means for every conscious thought that you have that I'm going to balance consistent process. I'm gonna let go of the past. I'm gonna stop being afraid. Every time that you consciously speak that the unconscious has gone 10,000 to 10 million, said exactly the same thing that you've been experiencing up until now. Wild, right? We're gonna talk about how to bypass that in a little bit.  So, the first thing is, what do I want? And do I even believe that it's possible for me? The next thing, and this I think, is part and parcel of why the work that that Michael does is so powerful, right? Is that we need to be able to connect to the emotional experience of what we want to create. And I'm gonna tell you why. How many people have ever heard of the concept mind over matter? Who's ever heard the concept, the legal concept of a crime of passion, right? Let me show you another diagram. This one's from my book, money game I speak about. This is where my book, stepping Beyond the Intention. Every single thought, idea, desire, goal, or objective that we have has the capacity to be a part of our life however, there are certain filters that it goes through as a thought or idea, and those filters send it off into our life or into another possibility that didn't happen. Remember I said possibility is not the same as probability. Write that down.

“Possibility is not the same as probability.”

Who's heard about that concept of infinite possibility?

Infinite possibility. I can have anything I want. Yay. Everyone heard of that one? Anybody not heard of that one? Infinite possibility? Gimme a yes or a no. Gimme a no if you haven't heard of it. Cause I don't wanna use a concept that people don't understand. Okay, so the concept of infinite possibility in short is that everything is possible. You can have anything that you dream about. Yes. And just because it's possible doesn't mean it's going to happen. Sorry to have to break it to you. Possibility is not the same as probability because something can happen doesn't mean that it will happen. Make sense? So, one of the things that I love to empower people to do is to make the shift from an obsession with possibility into the experience of increased probability. So that means instead of it being something that can happen, it becomes something that will happen. Instead of us being led by our programs and being pulled along into playing out the same old story over and over again, we come to create something that we desire to happen. Instead of being caught up in trauma, instead of being caught up in the past, instead of being caught up in the pain and the old stories and the old narratives, and the old identity, I'm stepping into my natural state of abundance, of stepping into what I choose why consciously design I'm doing it here and now on my terms. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in? Let me see a yes, if that's something that you'd like to see. If you want probability, if you wanna start creating, if you want that abundance, let me see it in the chat or I'm gonna go home. I'm joking. I'm not gonna go home. I'm having too much food.

So, let's talk about increasing that probability.

When we start to look at the journey of thoughts gaining more density and becoming a part of our physical reality, the first point of contact that we have with anything nonphysical is something that they tried to sell you courses on Instagram about called vibration, they'll say, oh, we need to heal your vibe. We need to heal your frequency. Give me 997999, and come and meet me under the new moon while we drink kakao together, or whatever, right? All that you need to understand is exist. Shall I burst the bubble and tear away the veil of BS so that you guys can just get it and move forward with your life? Simply this, every emotion, every single emotion that you can think of when experienced in the body generates for the individual a measurable frequency of vibration. Very simply put the frequency, vibration, mambo, jumbo that they keep trying to sell you, it's simply this. How does it feel? But here's a crazy thing about feeling particular emotional states.

Every single emotional state for every single one of you as individuals is going to create a different measurable frequency in your body, because we all relate to emotions differently. Our nervous systems are different. Our memory and our cognitive relationship between thoughts, feelings, and mental states is different. But more importantly than any of that, every time that you're in a different emotional state, your brain is triggered to create a different set of chemicals and hormones in your body. But those chemicals and hormones running through your body changes the way that the chemistry of your brain works, and therefore changes how you think, that's why you have the legal term of prime of passion, because when you're in certain emotional states, you're no longer thinking as you, you are thinking at the level of that emotional state. Everyone get where I'm coming from? So, if I have an intention, I must understand what emotions that I personally connect to that experience. I can't go around boring other people's. I'm not going to get to my end goal following somebody else's roadmap, because that's for them. That's what's gonna line them up with the right thinking, which is gonna lead them to the right actions, habits, and behaviors that's going to lead to the outcome. So, number one, am I even clear on what I want and is the goal within my realm of possibility?

Number two, do I know what it will feel like for me to be in that end angle?

Notice the wording, guys. Do I know what it will feel like? Not what it might, not what it can, not what it should, or what it would, what it will feel like. Use will not, maybe notcan, will. If you wanna call it into your life, you need to claim it in your life. Write that down.

“I claim it for my life. I claim my healing. I claim all of the above. I claim achieving my goals. I claim community. I claim healing generational trauma. I claim it. I will it into my life”

The third one, and this quite frankly, I have found over the years to be one of the most powerful, powerful turning points for people. I'm saying like people have gone from not sure how they're gonna pay the bills to literally a millionaire within months. People who go from broken marriages and not knowing how they're gonna keep their family together to revitalize romance in their relationship and happy families living new lives and that word starts with a W, and that is worthiness.

Worthiness. So often people get caught up in their story starts to dictate their new identity ‘cuz every day you get a new opportunity and identity. Every single morning when you wake up, there's a new chance to create new stories for yourself. But because the mind moves at 10,000 to 10 million times the speed, the unconscious moves at 10,000 to 10 million times the speed of the conscious mind. We generally, because we don't step up and choose what we're doing, just keep playing out the same old thing. So, what does that look like? I play out the same story because I've not stepped in consciously. I have the same emotional state, I have the same chemicals in my body. I have the same thinking, I have the same habits, I have the same behaviors, I have the same life I wonder why my morning rampage with Abraham Hicks didn't change my life, right? And worthiness is this cancerous, insidious, icky thing that sits underneath all of our dreams and all of our hopes and all of our desires pulling us out of alignment with them and holding us captive to the life that we've been living up until now. Has anyone ever felt unworthiness? I did. I felt unworthy of life, that's what took me down a dark path, right?

We all have had something in our life that has held us back in some way, shape, or form and unworthiness I found time and time again to be one of the most deep and dark things that stops people getting to what they want, they don't believe that they do deserve it. Notice I didn't say they don't think that they deserve it. They don't believe the truth that they do deserve it.

So, what I'd like to do now is I'd like to take you through a process that starts with a funny story when tell the process. The point of this is to teach you what it looks like to start to build a model of what you want, right?

Now, for those of you who aren't familiar with me and the work that I do, I primarily work with helping people to create their financial side of abundance. And the reason why isn't because I believe that money's the most important thing in the world. I don't, but you can measure money, you can keep score of it, right? And most importantly, what I've seen time and time again is all of the other stuff that people want becomes a lot easier when they're not thinking in fight or flight about money. Alright? So, I'm gonna take you through this process in relationship to money, but I don't want you to think that that's the build and all you can take the mastery that you develop here and you can apply it to anything at all that you want. Some people, when I take the pick the bick out of these things, some people think that I'm not about that life I meditate daily, right? I've just came back from doing a water ceremony and a fire ceremony in the jungles of Belize last week. I'm about that life however, I think it's important for us to understand that just sitting on a yoga mat channeling the Palladian isn't gonna get you to the end goal. It may support you changing your mindset and setting up your energy and connecting to your purpose and connecting to your star seed or whatever the thing is. But that alone isn't going to get you to the end goal, okay? So anyone who's getting offended by that, I'm sorry, but the bottom line is if it was working, it would've worked by now. Okay? I don't think the aliens care if you can pay your bills or not like go do something else. Say hello to them from your house where the rent is paid or the mortgage is paid, whatever things.

So, I've gotta read you a story. So picture this, you just found out that a prince of the faraway country needs your help to move his wealth and must connect his bank account to your financial institution to secure his family's fortune. And for your help, he will gladly share his abundant wealth is you, you take a massive leap of faith despite friends, family, and all the reasons and doubt, telling you to ignore the email that you got from, and you help another human being, but shock, horror to your absolute wonder and joy, he legitimately shares his wealth with you. And the FBI do not come and kick down your door for fraud, probably not gonna work out this way by the way, if prince from Zamunda offers you, asks for your bank account details, probably best to say no. But for the purpose of this story, we're gonna say that it was legitimate, okay? So, this is what we're gonna do. I love my job. This is what we're gonna do. You are gonna write down, okay, on a piece of paper, on a notebook in your workbook, 100 million Euro dollars, euros, pounds, whatever your currency is, pick a major currency that's close to you and write down a hundred million. And that's how much the Prince of Amunda gave to you for your kind help. I am Prince Hakeem, prince of Amunda. My son works, everyone see the coming to America, right? Did anyone see the second one? I was scared to watch it. I was like, I don't want it to be ruined for me. Was it good? Shall I watch it? Shall I watch it? Coming to America?

Tonight. I have a date with Lisa. Anyway, everyone written down a hundred million, everyone's done it, right? Okay, so here's the thing I want you to do, ready, and I'm gonna give you 15 seconds for every single one of these questions, 15 seconds. And you can't edit it. Don't filter. Just write down exactly the first thing that comes to mind, alright? Even if it's having a date with Lisa, all right? And I've got a timer here, what's the first thing that you're gonna do with that money? Go!


All right. How much have you got left? Write it down. How much have you got left? I love watching people's faces when they do this exercise. What's also funny is some people don't do the exercise. It's like, dude, you've literally come to change your life here today. I'm giving you like the simplest exercise. I haven't asked for blood or for your youngest child or whatever. Unless you're gonna give your youngest child, no, we need them in the juggers of Belize for the next water ceremony. Anyway, it was more than 15 seconds. Okay? What is the next thing that you do with it? Write it down, let's go. And consider the price tag for your child. I can pay in kaka beans. You know what to do at energy exchange. I've got rainbow fairy cakes, though cut payables with that. Okay, well, I do try to bring you into the new economy, into the new paradigm for the new earth, but I guess you are just part of the patriarchy. Okay? How much have you got left? Let's go! And really do this exercise. There's a reason why this exercise is constructed the way that it is, and there's a reason why people who take action get to the end goal. And I'm not asking much of you. I'm asking you for you to have some fun playing a game, spending some money virtually. Okay? How much have you got left? You're gonna see a pattern here, and if you run out of money, put it in the chat. No more money or I broke again. What do you do next? What's next? This is one of the most powerful exercises I've seen people go through and it's so simple because it reveals a lot and we're gonna go through what it reveals in just a second. Anybody running run out of money? Anyone running out of money? Anyone else run outta money yet? Anyone getting close? We'll do two more rounds, how much you got left and what you're gonna do with it? And then we're gonna get into very, I have a lot. I dunno if we're gonna go to club with you, you can be like, no, we're gonna light up then we're gonna drink water tonight. Girl, you got hundred million. We try to get faded. The funny thing about me making jokes about drinking is I really can't drink. I am the cheapest date ever. Let me tell a quick story. I don't want my time to run up. I tell a quick story. If I try and drink more than two drinks, my body literally rejects it and tries to throw up. So, like, I don't actually get drunk, I just about get tipsy. So, I'm like, what's the point? I'm literally just gonna drink orange juice and dance, that's what I'm gonna do anyway. Let's play the game everyone. Write down how much you've got left. Let me know how much you got left. Let me know in the chat. If you're playing full out, you're gonna get full up, that didn't really make sense, but you know what I mean playful out and get to the end goal. We've got a couple minutes here. I'm gonna tell you a really super duper duper quick strain that I'm gonna wrap this all together. There's a process that I tape people through in pursuit of financial freedom. Remember level three was financial freedom. And there's a process that we take people through my Ideal Life Blueprint workshop where we support people actually working out how much they need to be financially free. And what happened was is that this lady comes along, she doesn't mind me sharing the story. She actually still laughs about it now. And she said, Dan, I'm never gonna be financially free. I said, how are you never gonna be financially free? She says, I need a hundred thousand a month to be financially free. I said, girl, you need 1.2 million a year to be financially free. She says, yeah, I need this, I need that. I need this, I need that. I need that. I need this. When we wrote everything down, cause I said to her, okay, I don't know what's going on here, but we need to rewind and go back to the beginning. When I had her go down and actually go through an exercise, not too similar to this one that we just did, and to actually calculate how much it would take for her to be financially free. Guess what her monthly figure was? Let me see. Three guesses. Guess how much it was? Remember she started at a hundred thousand a month. Jason, 5,000. Two more guesses please, 8030th, five to 6,000. You're all wrong. 3,500.She had been held in captivity and not even trying to move to financial freedom because she said it couldn't happen all the while thinking she needed 1.2 million a year and she actually only needed 3,500 to live her best life. Not even like half-assed best life. Most of us do not have a conscious relationship to the life that we want to live, and that lack of conscious relationship ends up keeping us captive to the idea that something that we need is too far away from us. The first block that we spoke about, there are still two more. Remember we spoke about there being two other ones, two others.

How many of you got something out of the exercise? If you did write abundance in the chat, did you have a revelation? Did you have an awareness? Did you notice that you felt something different in your body? Did you notice that? Oh my God, there's some anxiety about looking at these numbers. Did you get something from this? I do only have two minutes, but I do wanna make sure that I do this. I've actually got a completely free quiz and guess what? It's not a quiz that's got a trip wire and a lead magnet into a thing that's gonna ask you to give me your children. It literally is going to help you in 10 questions to identify what your abundance block is. Okay? So that's a free resource. I want you guys to make sure that you have, honestly, you do the quiz, you do the 10 questions, it tells you what your block is, and then it tells you how to get rid of the block without asking you for any money. Oh my God. Does that still exist? Yes, it does. Every single one of you, every single one of you has abundance of your natural state. If you start to get clear on what it is, do this exercise with something else. If you start to remember, I need to know what it feels like for me. And if you start to do the work of dropping the story of unworthiness and doing the healing, listen to people like my man Michael, who can inspire and uplift you and take you into a place of healing so, your body can start to hold the wordiness of your experience you will see your life change, and you will be able to step into your natural state of abundance. Feel stuck, do the quiz, get the path to actually clearing it. But trust me guys, the journey to you living that abundant life that you desire isn't as far away, isn't as complicated or as difficult as you think it is and possibilities can become probabilities.

Freaking love you guys.

Thank you for the opportunity to hang out. Michael, bro!

Michael Unbroken Profile Photo

Michael Unbroken


Michael is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, speaker, coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma.

Daniel Mangena Profile Photo

Daniel Mangena

Podcast Host

Daniel Mangena and will help people, just like you, to identify their dream life and align themselves with creating it, spiritual and holistic.
He will give you the tools to step into abundance, of any kind, with ease and playfulness.
He wants to help you create a life of wealth, joy, and purpose.

Welcome to The Think Unbroken Podcast!

Here are some of my favorite recent guests!

Sept. 22, 2021

E113 Jordan Harbinger on ending struggle through action | CPTSD and T…

In this episode, we have a guest speaker Jordan Harbinger. Jordan is a former corporate lawyer who became a master podcaster. Jordan lays out some of the most incredible and practical tools about what it means to create a change in your life. See show notes here: https://www.thinkunbrokenpodcast.c…

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Nov. 20, 2022

Overcoming Trauma and Finding Hope: Personal Stories and Practical Ti…

Today, we delve into the journey of overcoming trauma and finding hope. I will share personal stories and offer practical tips for those who are struggling with their... See show notes at:

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Aug. 17, 2022

Natalie Dawson - Finding Confidence and Courage | Trauma Healing Coach

How Do You Build Confidence in Yourself? Confidence can be a tough thing to build up. But today, we will talk about how to put together some handy tips to help you and be the hero... See show notes at:…

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Aug. 1, 2022

E379: Moran Cerf - How LUCID dreaming can IMPACT mental health and tr…

On Today's Episode: I am joined by my guest Moran Cerf s a neuroscientist and business professor at the Kellogg School of Management and the neuroscience program at Northwestern University. See show notes at:…

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July 11, 2022

E358: 10-No BS lessons to be the HERO of your life with Lisa Bilyeu |…

In this episode of the Think Unbroken Podcast, Lisa Bilyeu shares how she kickstarted herself out of the mundane to become one of the most influential voices in the personal development world-and how you too can gain the confidence to reinvigorate... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpod…

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June 27, 2022

E344: If You Want To FIND YOUR PURPOSE In Life with Jenna Kutcher | T…

Change is inevitable; it's as imminent as the moon, the tide, and the seasonal Starbucks menu; it's a rite of passage for all of us. Transformation is power, energy, and momentum. It keeps us moving forward. See show notes at:…

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Sept. 10, 2021

E108 Who is Michael Unbroken

In this episode, I would love to share my back story with you. I'm going to include the preface to my book Think Unbroken Understanding and Overcoming Childhood Trauma. This is a dive into my background, story, journey, and what's led me to where I am today. I believe that we all are capable of …

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March 18, 2022

E242: Suicide, incest, vulnerability, and kindness with Paul Gilmarti…

In this episode, I'm very excited to be back with you with another episode, and today's guest is Paul Gilmartin, the host of Mental Illness Happy Hour. If you've ever had thoughts about suicide, this is an episode that you want to listen to. See show notes at:…

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Aug. 12, 2022

Dr. Uma Naidoo- Harvard Psychiatrist on how to use food and diet to h…

Join our FREE COMMUNITY as a member of the Unbroken Nation:   How do you start healing your body with food? In this episode, I speak with amazing guest, Dr. Uma Naidoo, who is a Nutritional Psychiatrist. We talk about recognizing the impact... See show notes at:…

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June 29, 2022

E346: The MINDSET of A ZEN Navy SEAL with Mark Divine | Mental Health…

About seven years ago, I listened to today's guest, Mark Divine, on Tom Bilyeu's Inside Quest. And I was immediately captivated, like I could not actually put into words the thoughts going through my head. See show notes at:…

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May 13, 2022

E299: The Miracle Mindset with Tim Storey | CPTSD and Trauma Healing …

In this episode, the number one celebrity coach on planet earth is about to have a conversation with us, Unbroken Nation. I am to announce and share with you that you are about to listen to none other than the incredible Tim Storey. See show notes at:…

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April 12, 2023

Unleashing Personal Growth and Transformation with Ryan Zofay

In this episode, I interview Ryan Zofay, a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker who has dedicated his life to teaching personal development strategies... See show notes at:

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May 16, 2023

Overcoming Addiction and Healing Trauma with Mike Diamond

Have you been personally impacted by addiction and trauma and are looking for actionable techniques to make a positive difference? This episode is for you!... See show notes at:

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May 19, 2023

How to Think Unbroken - AlignCon keynote with Michael Unbroken

Join us for an inspiring episode of the Think Unbroken Podcast featuring a keynote speech by Michael Unbroken, a remarkable individual who defied all odds to achieve success... See show notes at:…

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May 24, 2023

Transform Failure Into Success With Love with Ryan Pineda

In this episode, we have an inspiring guest speaker, Ryan Pineda, joining us to share his incredible story of turning failure into success through the power of love... See show notes at:

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June 8, 2023

The Secret for Abundance Mindset | with Chance Welton

Are you ready to unlock the secret to living an abundant life?... See show notes at:

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Jan. 9, 2023

Healing from Trauma with Dr. Mariel Buqué: Expert Insights and Strate…

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Mariel Buqué, a holistic psychologist & an intergenerational trauma expert. Join us as she shares her insights and strategies for healing from traumatic experiences and building resilience... See show notes at:…

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June 8, 2022

E325: Cleaning your Mental Mess with Dr. Caroline Leaf | Mental Healt…

In this episode, we have an amazing guest – Doctor Caroline Leaf, who has played a massive role in my personal healing journey over the years, someone that has been a voice that has helped me get to where I am. See show notes at:…

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July 22, 2022

E369: Dr. Jud Brewer - end ANXIETY and WORRY today! | CPTSD and Traum…

What if I told you that anxiety and worry were emotional, behavioral habits that you can end through a simple three-step process. Jud Brewer. AKA Dr. Jud is a New York Times bestselling author and thought leader in the field of habit change and the... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpo…

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June 1, 2022

E318: How to be happy and manifest the life you want with David Meltz…

In this episode, I speak with one of my great friends David Meltzer. David has spent the last vast majority of his life on a mission to help over one billion people be happy. See show notes at:…

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Dec. 17, 2021

E157: Discovering who you are through fear with Dave Hollis | CPTSD a…

In this episode, I sit with my friend Dave Hollis and we talk about his journey to where he is today, you know, it's a really fascinating conversation and a story about not only facing your fear but what it means to have your identity disrupted... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpodcas…

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Nov. 1, 2021

E130 The Theory of Impact with Tom Bilyeu | CPTSD and Trauma Healing …

In this episode, we have a guest speaker Tom Bilyeu. Tom is someone I consider to be both a peer and a mentor who tremendously helped me in my journey – singularly, I can point to him and three other people who have led me to the place I am today. Through absorbing their content, being mentored by…

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Oct. 20, 2021

E125 Creating Success in your Life with Damon Burton | CPTSD and Trau…

In this episode, I speak with one of my very close friends, Damon Burton. Damon is a Forbes contributor and an Amazon best-selling SEO book author that helps you show up higher on Google… without paying for ads. See show notes:…

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Sept. 7, 2021

E106 Overcoming Addiction Through Yoga with Cole Chance

In this episode, we have a guest speaker Cole Chance. She is a yoga teacher, instructor, and educator who I've known for quite a long time, who actually played a pivotal role in my healing journey. We talk about her own struggle through addiction, alcoholism, abuse, and getting to this place in …

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Sept. 13, 2021

E109 The Power of Quitting with John Lee Dumas | CPTSD and Trauma Hea…

In this episode, we have a guest speaker, John Lee Dumas. He is an incredible human being, a former officer in the Army, entrepreneur, and host of the number one rated business podcast that I've had the privilege of being on called entrepreneur on fire. We talk about his journey, experiences, su…

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March 6, 2023

Letting Go of Shame and Embracing Self-Love with Andrea Ashley

In this powerful episode of the Think Unbroken Podcast, host Michael Unbroken sits down with Andrea Ashley, the host of the Adult Child Podcast, to discuss the journey of healing and self-love... See show notes at:…

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Feb. 22, 2023

Finding Home Within Yourself After Heartbreak with Najwa Zebian

In today's episode, I am joined by my guest – Najwa Zebian. Najwa is a bestselling author and activist who has written a powerful guide to building a home for your soul called "Welcome Home". Through their candid conversation... See show notes at:…

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Aug. 10, 2022

Lesley Logan - Chasing Your Purpose | Trauma Healing Podcast

Join our FREE COMMUNITY as a member of the Unbroken Nation:   How do you chase your purpose? We talk about how to chase your purpose. Living with purpose is about remembering why you started and living in a way that can be remembered... See show notes at:…

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Jan. 21, 2022

E186: How I became Unbroken on 7 Hats | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Podc…

In this episode, I was recently on The Seven Hats Podcast, and I've never done this before, so this will be my first time on the show that I do anything like this. You're about to listen to an episode like me as a guest on someone else's podcast, and... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbroken…

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Nov. 3, 2021

E131 Overcoming Trauma and Self-Sabotage with Iris McAlpin | CPTSD an…

In this episode, I sit down with my friend Iris McAlpin.  Iris McAlpin is a certified trauma coach and NARM® Practitioner specializing in self-sabotage, eating disorder recovery, and complex trauma. See show notes at:…

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Sept. 7, 2022

Erica Garza - One Woman’s Journey Through Sex and Porn Addiction | Tr…

Join us for FREE, Unbroken Conference at: Do women struggle with porn addiction? In this episode, I speak with Erica Garza the author of the memoir, Getting Off:... See show notes at:…

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Sept. 9, 2022

Jonas Kaplan - How Neuroscience Impacts your Beliefs, Identity, and S…

Today, you'll learn more about the foundational understanding of identity and beliefs and why we operate the way we do and look at how... See show notes at:…

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Oct. 24, 2022

Dr. Laura Berman - Is your past standing in the way of self-love? Her…

In today's episode, I'm very excited to share with you Dr. Laura Berman, a sex and relationship expert who has helped thousands of people over the years. And thousands and thousands of people learn some of the most practical tools to step into self-love and have better relationships and more fulfil…

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Jan. 14, 2021

E50: Being a WARRIOR through childhood trauma with Anthony Trucks

In this episode, I speak with my friend, the unstoppable Anthony Trucks. Listen as we break down how to turn pain into triumph and why becoming the hero of your own story starts with making Shift Happen. Please Rate and Review!

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Dec. 16, 2022

Exploring the Myth of Normal Mental Health with Dr. Gabor Maté

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Gabor Maté, a renowned expert in the field of addiction, stress and childhood development. Dr. Maté discusses the myth of "normal" mental health and how our society's narrow definition of what is considered "healthy" can actually be... See show notes at: https…

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Sept. 19, 2022

Vishen Lakhiani - Letting go of Pain and Finding Forgiveness | Mental…

In this episode, I speak with amazing guest Vishen Lakhiani. He is an entrepreneur, author, and activist on a mission to raise human... See show notes at:

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Jan. 23, 2023

Transform Your Life: 10 Innovative Ideas with Gino Wickman

Are you looking to make a change in your life but don't know where to start?  Today, I am joined by my friend Gino Wickman as he shares 10 innovative ideas to help you take control and transform your life... See show notes at:…

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Jan. 11, 2023

Navigating The Mental Health To Be a Multi-million Dollar Entrepreneu…

Today, we sit down with Amy Porterfield, an ex-corporate girl turned online marketing expert and CEO of a multi-million dollar business... See show notes at:

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Feb. 7, 2022

E203: How to Understand Addiction as a Trauma Survivor with Dr. Anna …

In this episode, I am excited to bring on Dr. Anna Lembke, one of the leading researchers and scientists on addiction on planet earth. She is a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine and Chief of the Stanford Addiction... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpodca…

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Feb. 8, 2023

Navigating Trauma and Mental Health with Lori Gottlieb, a Psychothera…

In this episode, I speak with Lori Gottlieb, a licensed psychotherapist, as she delves into the complexities of trauma healing and mental health... See show notes at:…

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Feb. 27, 2023

The Wisdom of Rabbi Steven Z. Leder: Living a Meaningful Life and Fac…

Today, we sit down with Rabbi Steven Z. Leder, Senior Rabbi of Wilshire Boulevard Temple, to discuss his journey to becoming a rabbi, and expert on death... See show notes at:…

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Aug. 17, 2023

Building Resilience and Unstoppable Confidence | with Stormy Wellingt…

In today's episode, I speak with Stormy Wellington a Spiritual Leader, Wellness Guru and Modern-Day Harriet Tubman... See show notes at:

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Aug. 24, 2023

How to Live with Survivors Guilt | with Cole Hatter

In this episode, I am joined by my guest Cole Hatter, a renowned thought leader and inspirational speaker... See show notes at:

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Sept. 5, 2023

The Journey to Self-Love and Personal Growth | with David Shands

Welcome to the Think Unbroken Podcast, where Michael dives deep into insightful conversations with extraordinary individuals like David Shands.... See show notes at:

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Jan. 25, 2024

From Addict to Healer | with Brandon Novak

Michael Unbroken delves into addiction, redemption, and self-love with guest Brandon Novak.... See show notes at:

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Feb. 1, 2024

Break Toxic Relationship Cycles | with Kel Cal

In this episode, special guest Kel Cal shares her personal journey of leaving an emotionally abusive marriage, overcoming childhood trauma, and reclaiming her power. Learn how... See show notes at:

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April 2, 2024

How to Find the Courage to Be Yourself | with Leila Hormozi

In this powerful episode, Michael Unbroken sits down with Leila Hormozi. Leila opens up about her traumatic childhood experiences of loneliness, neglect, and having an absentee mother struggling with addiction. She shares how a pivotal moment as a young girl inspired her to become the woman she nev…

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April 9, 2024

How to Face Fear and Achieve the Impossible | with James Lawrence

James shares the powerful mindset and resilience that enabled him to achieve these seemingly impossible challenges. See show notes below...

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May 21, 2024

A Warrior's Path to Overcoming PTSD | with Kelsi Sheren

In this powerful episode, Michael Unbroken interviews Kelsi Sheren, a Canadian combat veteran who served in Afghanistan. Kelsi shares her harrowing journey of struggling with PTSD, depression, and suicidal thoughts after witnessing... See show notes at:…

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