I spent months planning and coming up with ways to make and save money before I started my journey as a digital nomad in Thailand. These are my top 5 ways that I saved money before buying a 1 way ticket to Asia to start my year of travel.

I quit my job, sold everything that I own, and packed my entire life into 2 bags so that I can travel the world. I grew up in chaos and suffered trauma that most people cannot comprehend. I have been seeking peace and happiness for the last 30 years. This channel is my digital journal to discovery of myself and the beauty of the world.

Subscribe to be notified when I post. I welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback. The one thing that I have learned on my venture through healing trauma is that I can’t do it alone.

Blog: https://www.thinkunbrokenpodcast.com/blog/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelunbr...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelUnbroken
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/michaelunb...

You can use the links below to support my adventure.
Click Gear. Photography T-shirts : https://clickgear.co/
Traveling Mialbox: https://travelingmailbox.com/?ref=396
AirBnB (Save $40): https://abnb.me/e/9fUxQdU1UQ
Dollar Shave Club: http://shaved.by/j6sDZ