Somtimes being a digital nomad can mean getting stuck in a rut. This was my experience after almost a month in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I realized that I was doing the same things that I always did while in America. I was going to the same gym, places to eat, and hangout spots. I decided that what I needed to do was take a real adventure. I jumped on my motorbike and got out of Chiang Mai for an afternoon at a beautiful temple. I think this is what life is really about when you are being a digital nomad and traveling the world. I need to continue to remind myself that life is about risk and breaking the norm.
I quit my job, sold everything that I own, and packed my entire life into 2 bags so that I can travel the world. I grew up in chaos and suffered trauma that most people cannot comprehend. I have been seeking peace and happiness for the last 30 years. This channel is my digital journal to a discovery of myself and the beauty of the world.

Subscribe to be notified when I post. I welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback. The one thing that I have learned on my venture through healing trauma is that I can’t do it alone.


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