I spent the first day and a half as a digital nomad in Thailand feeling exhausted. The jet lag was hitting me hard after being awake for almost 36 hours. I think as I continue to create content as a person that works abroad remotely I will hopefully be able to tell more in-depth and fulfilling stories.

I have been a professional photographer for most of my adult life but the work I did was always for other people and not for myself. As I continue to document I will be shooting more and more to showcase my travel vlog and travel blog.

My Blog: https://www.thinkunbrokenpodcast.com/blog/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelunbroken/


Travel Insurance: https://www.safetywing.com/?referenceID=24732342
Traveling Mailbox: https://travelingmailbox.com/?ref=396
Dollar Shave Club: http://shaved.by/j6sDZ