In this episode, we have guest speaker David Mulonas. David and I will have this really incredible conversation about debt, finances, money relationships. And in this conversation, I tried to wrap my head around what I believed that I needed when I started my journey of getting out of massive debt.
David is a finance and personal money coach. I wanted to have them on the show to have this conversation because I know that there are people out there struggling right now like I was, and I thought to myself, if I had this kind of information 15 years ago, my life would have been very different. And what happened was I realized that there were some key elements to navigating debt that I didn't understand, so I started to get literate and money.
So that said, this conversation will be really fascinating, and it's not a conversation of judgment; if you're in debt, please know, I have been there, and you're probably thinking, well, what does that have to do with trauma?
I think it has a lot to do with it, and this isn't so much about the mindset or personal development around trauma as the show is typical. Still, I wanted to bring someone on to have this conversation because I believe it serves a greater purpose, helping you get an alignment with your future goals and what you want.
So we're going to talk about debt, money relationships, credit cards, budgets; the whole nine is a really phenomenal episode!
Unbroken Nation…
Let's get into the show!
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