Episode 5 | Triggered on the 4th of July

There is no question that the state of the United States is in shambles, for lack of a better word. The 4th of July has always been my favorite holiday. There is nothing like the smell of BBQs, cold beer and scotching hot black top. The 4th of July used to be about celebrating the freedom of America and the incredible parts that make it one of the greatest countries in the world.

The sad truth is that truth, freedom and the American way is no longer the underlying story, and America has now become a shell of what she once was. I try to steer clear from political talk but the truth is that I am beyond triggered by what is happening to the thousands of families who are currently being held in cages in The United States.

In this episode I talk about love and hate on the 4th of July, finding a better understanding of myself, and why I think every voice has a right to be heard.

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