Trauma and entrepreneurship mimic each other in various ways. If you grow up in a trauma state according to Dr. Vincent Felitti there is up to a 5200% increased chance that you will take your own life. If you are an entrepreneur in 2019 there is a 2x chance that you will commit suicide versus someone working in a normal 9-5 job.

I recently spoke at Tribe Theory in Bali, Indonesia about this very thing. I discovered after years of being an entrepreneur and a trauma survivor that I was clinically depressed and suicidal. Six years ago I began taking the step to change my life after I noticed a distinct correlation between the effects of trauma and entrepreneurship on the brain and body. In this talk, I share my story and my journey to health that came in understanding the science.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and isolating endeavor and in this talk, I share the ways that I deal with stress, anxiety, and the things that come up for me as an entrepreneur and trauma survivor.

For more information on my trauma survivor mentorships visit:

For more information on my 5-day trauma recover retreat visit:

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