In this episode, I talk about how to be okay with changing your mind.
The ultimate fixed mindset, where we get stuck more so than anywhere, is in the limiting beliefs, the self-sabotaging ideation that we have, which are instilled in us from our parents, community, childhood, upbringing, and the people around us. You probably had a moment in your life where you were reiterating what someone else told you are or should be, and you fell into believing it. I've been there; trust me, I have those ideas about good enough, strong enough, capable enough. When you understand the truth about this, one of the most difficult aspects of changing how you believe about yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you act in the world starts with shedding those narratives that other people have given you.
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-Be Unbroken.
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Discover real and practical tools and advice for how to understand and overcome childhood trauma to get out of The Vortex and become the HERO of your own story. Listen on iTunes and Spotify.