Dating with trauma is such a hard road to walk. We often find ourselves seeking worth and validation, along with trust and love from our partners without first giving those requirements to ourselves. Dating with CPTSD requires a real intrinsic look at who you are and who you want to be and how you want to be in a relationship.
If you didn't know, I am hosting Mondays with Michael, a complimentary small group coaching session each Monday night. In these sessions, we discuss a range of topics from the science of trauma, healing, and mindset to working through everyday problems like worth in relationships, dealing with unsupporting family members, and identifying and re-framing behavior patterns.
In this episode of the Michael Unbroken Podcast, I pulled one of the conversations from MWM because I believe that as trauma survivors, we all want the same things: love, self-worth, value, and hope. In this conversation, we talk about all of that and more.
You can listen to this episode by clicking the link below.
Until next time my friend...Be Unbroken.
p.s. If you haven't taken my free course at Think Unbroken Academy, you can still do that and learn if CPTSD is controlling your life!

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