Have you ever wondered why certain words impact you in either positive or negative way? Have you found yourself allowed words to impact and change the direction of your day or even the course of your life. Words are a powerful tool in the journey of the adults survivor of childhood trauma. The words we use and that are used towards us are a reflection of ourselves. If we are the story that we tell ourselves then wouldn't it be true that the words in our story are just as important as the story itself?
In this episode of The Michael Unbroken Podcast I explore the most powerful word in my life and how you can change the way that words impact you. I also created a workbook about the Power of Words to share with you that is a companion to this podcast. I created this workbook from a selection of the Think Unbroken Academy. You can download that workbook for free here: www.thinkunbroken.com/words
This podcast will cover: Creating power statements around words, why the word broken should be stripped of our vocabulary, and a reminder to join the first online training for the Think Unbroken Academy. You can find those details here: http://bit.ly/MCThinkUnbrokenTraining
This podcast is not a replacement for mental health care. If you are having a life threatening emergency please contact your local emergency number.
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Apple: http://bit.ly/iTunesMichaelUnbrokenPodcast
Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyMichaelUnbrokenPodcast
For more information on the work I do with adult survivors of childhood trauma check out https://www.ThinkUnbroken.com
Follow me on social media: @MichaelUnbroken

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