I recently spent time in the hospital in Bali and Bangkok. I have a huge fear of hospitals and a huge phobia of being inside of them but I didn't have a choice. I fell ill with E. Coli in Bali and was in the hospital on IV's and meds for 3 days. Just prior to that I injured my knee and would up with what I thought was a torn ACL but turned out to be a slightly torn MCL.
Growing up it was not uncommon for me to not be treated medically for injuries and illnesses. Most of the time I would be stuck being sick or in hurt for weeks on end or until that issue became so bad that it couldn't be ignored. This is the same way that I treated myself for years. Part of that was feeling like I was a burden to the people who are there to take care of me and part of this was the mindset that I had that I was not worth anyone's love or care.
In this episode I talk about how I have developed self-care in the form of taking myself to the doctor, how my 2019 goal is to fix my mindset around feeling like a burden, and how growing up in a trauma state set me up to lack self-care.
My new book will be coming out at the end of July and I can't wait to share it with you!
For more information visit: https://www.thinkunbroken.com/
and check me out at https://www.instagram.com/michaelunbroken/