Last night Think Unbroken won $10000 in a Business pitch off with Undercover Billionaire Grant Cardone I went up against some of the best business owners in the world and came out on top! I am so appreciative to every one of you that has supported my mission to end generational trauma by giving survivors the tools to create the change we want to be and to become the hero of our own story despite our past. You have to understand that believing in yourself is the most important thing that you will ever do.
And then you go to work towards your goals relentlessly and aggressively. You write them down, you dream about them, and you chase them like nothing else matters. You do that day in and out for years, and one day you're standing in front of TEN THOUSAND people sharing your mission.

My mother was a drug addict and alcoholic and she cut off my right index finger. My step-father hyper-abusive. My grandmother a racist. And my neighborhood built to fail. I used to have to steal food and water to survivor. I got high for the first time at 12. Stole cars, sold drugs, didn't graduate high school on time and my three best friends got murdered. At 25 I was at rock-bottom with a gun in my mouth. Today, I help other trauma survivors become the HERO of their own story through the tools, support, community and curriculum that I have shared with the world. I made a decision and asked myself - Michael what are you willing to do to be the HERO? Here's the truth about life - NO ONE IS COMING TO RESCUE YOU, but if you put yourself in situations to be successful and in the moments when it's your turn to step into the arena you are prepared, then you will learn, grow, and win!

We can't be scared of our own potential and we can't allow our past to dictate our future. I say it all the time - Though trauma may be our foundation it is not our future. I'm immediately reinvesting the winnings into education for myself. I'm will continue to learn and continue to be a better leader, entrepreneur, and man. Right now in this moment you have a question to answer - Are you ready to Think Unbroken?

Be Unbroken,

Check out all of the Think Unbroken resources including free courses, The Michael Unbroken Podcast, Community Coaching, and more: