Sara Dean

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In 2015, I started to realize I had built the wrong business. For 12 years, I had been a personal trainer, running a very successful fitness business. While I was incredibly proud of the achievements of my clients, I started to realize that I was a leader in an industry that had a singular mission:

Help women shrink their bodies – at any cost.

After the birth of my son and seeing my own body shift in incredibly powerful ways, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “How would the world shift if, instead of telling women they should make their bodies smaller, we invited them to take up more space – with their bodies, their stories, their strengths and their voices?”

In 2016, I launched The Shameless Mom Academy podcast, a show dedicated to helping moms rebuild their identity after motherhood – in order to stop shrinking and start shining. The Shameless Mom Academy is a top rated show with over 4 million downloads and 600+ episodes. The Shameless Mom Academy has become a movement, reaching over 100,000 moms across 140 countries each month.

Nov. 24, 2023

Mindsets & Actions to Overcome Childhood Trauma, Addiction & Anxiety

In this episode, Michael Unbroken has in-depth conversations with people who have walked challenging roads, whether dealing with trauma, addiction, anxiety, depression, or other struggles. They discuss the mindsets and actio…
June 13, 2023

Live with Intention | Heal and Thrive | with Sara Dean

In today’s episode, we sit down with Sara Dean, a renowned Women's Leadership Coach... See show notes at: