Sean Robinson

Sean RobinsonProfile Photo

Author, Speaker

I am a 38 year old Father, husband, electrician and volunteer firefighter. I grew up with my parents and 2 brothers in an environment where drinking, partying and socializing were a normal routine. My parents always had people over and were always the best hosts, or as far as I was concerned they were. My brothers and I never participated and didn't drink alcohol until we were in our later teens but we certainly had the best teachers. It is all fun to get the kids to help grab a beer from the fridge but we even went as far as being able to mix the perfect cocktails. We were good helpers.

Alcohol was always around me as a kid. My father who is a mechanic would often get paid in bottles or cases for work he did on friends vehicles that he wouldn't take their money for doing. This all translated through my life and into my own habits and routines. Stopping drinking never crossed my mind.

I also had my influences on what I liked, my attitude towards things and constantly used the same excuse, "This is just who I am." I always found myself overweight, negative, miserable and trying to bring as many down with me as I could. I didn't do this on purpose but it was difficult for me to be happy for others, when was it my turn? Ending 2020 with my worst drinking/eating habits, being 320lbs (I'm 5'10") and mentally unstable, I needed a change. I decided to start 2021 with Dry January.

I found myself curious about things that used to be "for someone else." Things like reading, listening to podcasts or audiobooks, asking questions, being happy for other people. Working construction especially, you just dont change like this, you listen to loud music and you drink beer. Get as drunk as possible on the weekends and share your stories in the lunch trailer on Mondays. Very difficult to simply change your habits and routines when you are likely to take shit and abuse from these burly men and women for being different.

Deciding to take a break from drinking, start journaling, listen to and read many books and podcasts became a catalyst for me to challenge myself to be different. This translated in every area of my being. I was able to lose 100lbs, be the father, husband and friend that I wanted to be AND have the confidence to start my own mindset platform to help others realize they have it in them too. There isnt anything special about my story other than I decided to change and be vulnerable to others to show that we can do it.

My book "Going Dry - My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking" showcases the challenges I had to get started and to "take a break" from drinking alcohol and my facebook, instagram, youtube and overall being showcases how I compounded this into a healthier lifestyle.

"This is who I am" was my biggest crutch and now I realize that we are never stuck, we are never finished, we just need to keep going.

July 11, 2023

How to Overcome Bad Habits and Embrace a Positive Life | with Sean Robinson

In this inspiring and informative episode, we have a very special guest speaker, Sean Robinson, who will be sharing his incredible journey on... See show notes at:…