Tia Lynn

Tia LynnProfile Photo

Marketing and Confidence Coach

I help women coaches & business owners stand out online to attract and gain more clients through owning their Purpose, Pleasure, and Power!!

⚠️ WARNING: ⚠️ This method increases self confidence, income, and better sex!

I love to speak about polarizing, taboo topics to help people explore their sexuality.

My mission in life is to help millions of women own their confidence and power and open up to pleasure to have better sex! This starts with their confidence, communication, exploration, and furthering their knowledge.

I have spoken on many stages, have 6 online courses, and 2 businesses I love.

Clothing line website -

Feb. 2, 2022

E198: Healing Sexual Shame and Trauma with Tia Lynn | Trauma Healing Podcast

In this episode, I am joined by Tia Lynn who is on a mission to help millions of women on their confidence, power and open up to pleasure to have better sex by healing. I haven't had anyone come on who's gone into depth arou…