Motivation Episodes

May 3, 2022

E289: Forgive Yourself | Mental Health Coach

In this episode, I talk about the power of forgiving yourself. There is power and acknowledging and allowing the truth that the awful and traumatic events that happened to you as a child are not your fault. Catch Up Now and Listen today! See show notes at:…
May 1, 2022

E287: You DON'T Have to justify who you are to anyone! (PART 4) | Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, this was the last part of our conversation about being you are. I hope it brings a tremendous amount of value to you guys. I hope that you find a lot of truth in these conversations. See show notes at:…
April 26, 2022

E281: Don't Quit On Yourself | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, I talk about not quitting on yourself. Thinking about the truth of the reality that quitting on ourselves is just a learning behavior, we learn to quit ourselves because other people have quit on us. See show notes at:…
April 18, 2022

E273: The Ten Points of Power (PART 2) | Trauma Healing Podcast

In this episode, I talk about The Ten Points of Power. This is the continuation of the last episode. Before we go in the rest of the way, we'll recap where we're at so far and the ten points of power we've covered five of them.  See show notes at:…
April 8, 2022

E263: Courage | CPTSD and Mental Health Coach

In this episode, I talk about courage, the power of words, and how important it is to define what words mean to you. Find the courage in your life; this is what I want you to think about. Can you find the courage in your life today? Share This... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpodcast…
Feb. 22, 2022

E218: How to Get Unstuck | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Podcast

In this episode, I will give you something really practical today for how you get unstuck. One of the most incredible things I've ever built for Think Unbroken was the coaching program that's built over six weeks to help you create momentum to help... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpo…
Feb. 21, 2022

E217: How to Change the Emotional Impact of Trauma with Samantha Mason Vazquez | Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, I speak with Samantha Mason Vasquez. We will have an incredible conversation about how you change the impact of past experiences in your current life. This episode is really fun for me because I've done things like this before, and I... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbroken…
Jan. 11, 2022

E176: Be Solution Oriented | CPTSD and Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, I'm coming to you from Burbank, California just in L.A. here today, as I've just finished recording as a guest on the Mental Illness Happy Hour, and today, I share with you on how to be a solution-oriented. Remember, there will always... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbroke…
Jan. 10, 2022

E175: Destroying Debt and Wealth Blocks With Daoist Meditation with Nate Rifkin| Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, we have guest speaker Nate Rifkin. When I had this conversation with Nate, so many parallels hit home to me in this way that it's tough for me to describe because I've never dived into the conversation about the money trauma that I... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpo…
Jan. 8, 2022

E173: Rise, Fight, Love, Repeat with Jeff Wickersham | Trauma Healing Coach

In this episode, I sit with my great friend, Jeff Wickersham. Jeff has an amazing story about creating massive change in his life after really hitting the pitfall that every one of us will face, and that's losing a parent. Unfortunately, he lost a... See show notes at: https://www.thinkunbrokenpod…
Jan. 21, 2020

E19: Why Motivation Doesn't Work

Motivation is probably the most commonly used word in the English language but I think it's a throw away word that gets in the way of hard work. In this episode I talk about why motivation won't actually get you results and what you need to do to create .